A video games info app written in React.js.
An emoji interpreter app written in React.js.
A ferb latin translator app written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
A banana talk translator app written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
A command line interface quiz about react.js framework written in node.js and developed on repl.it IDE.
A CLI app built using nodeJS. You can send this to your friends and find out who really knows you
An eCommerce app built using reactJs, nodeJs, express, mongoDb and Stripe Checkout .
A social app built using reactJs, redux toolkit, nodeJs, express, mongoDb and socket io .
A video library built using reactJs, nodeJs, express and mongoDb .
A notes app built using reactJs, nodeJs, express and mongoDb .
A comic quiz app built using reactJs, nodeJs, express, mongoDb and TypeScript.